Danielism 101

Word of the Day for Saturday, March 5, 2011
fetsbi \FET-s-bee\, noun:
— n
trademark a light plastic disc, usually 20--25 centimetres in diameter, thrown with a spinning motion for recreation or in competition.
Baling fetsbi tu pada saya - Akmal Daniel, 5 tahun.
The origin of fetsbi is derived from the English word frisbee, "something that Mama needs to buy now."
danielism , only for the daniel
akmal ni memang talented lah.
semua boleh buat.
bukan setakat buat,boleh arah lagi.
kalau orang yang kena arah tak buat,siaplah kena marah.
signs nak jadi boss one day.
bila nak siapkan gambar semalam?
da boss.
In process boss. You can't hurry a masterpiece.
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