a babe's life
Monday, December 13, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Clickity click
Guess who took these two photos last week? Yup, they're by yours truly!!
Mama got cold feet when I stood on the ledge ( with Abah holding on to me of course ) to take this photo. Hey, you have to take the risks to get great photos! Photo taken at Mama's second favourite mosque.

And hear them roar! Or not. But still, we had a nice day at the zoo, even if the lions didn't make a sound the way I was hoping they would. They *did* do the guling-guling though \o/

But this elephant more than made up with his louder than loud trumpeting!

Overall, we had a super weekend in KL, beginning with Kak Iylia's wedding ( even though I slept through it all ) - look, wasn't she pretty?

Me all sleepy and still not feeling all that well from my recent bout of 'flu.

- and ending with our pitstop at the above-mentioned Mama's second favourite mosque.