a babe's life

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cough cough sniffle and sneeze

Dear Allah,

Please make these viruses go away.


Your humble servant,

Dear Abang Luqman,

Thank you for taking the bullet for me.


ETA Just to make it clear, there was no real bullet involved. Just this long, nasty, nasal probe that Dr Adeline used on Abang Luqman *winces* to make sure that there was no virus of swine origin in our respiratory tracts ( there wasn't, thank you Allah ).

Monday, November 22, 2010

To my awesome big brother Abg Anwar

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All the best and much love,
Nenel ♥

Friday, November 12, 2010

School time!

I'm ready to go to school now. Last night, I cleaned up Abang Luqman's old school bag, his blue, kindergarten bag with Bugs Bunny on it ( stop sniffling, Mama ) and it's as good as new. No need to buy me a new one ( well, unless you guys insist of course ), but I do need a new pair of shoes, because I can't wear my jalan-jalan sandals to school!

What brought this about, you ask? Well, seeing Abang Luqman went up on stage and getting his prize, and seeing him perform with his school mates, that just about made me burst with pride. Congratulations, Abang Luqman. When I go to school, I want to do just as well. Better!