Of Brothers and Cousins
My big brother Luqman, he hates having his photos taken, especially when the photo sessions go on and on with the endless "SMILE!"s from an overly cheerful family. He gets grumpy, my Abang Luqman. Unlike myself. I love having my pictures taken! Say when say how just point the camera.
Photos taken at Mama's friend's house, Aunty Kamisah, at Taman Bahagia, Temerloh, during Raya Haji.
See what I mean?

C'mon, Abang Luqman, only a few more more!!

Not so hard, izzziit?

Now when it comes to my pretty cousin, Syikin ...
Dum dum dum :D

I wish we had taken that ride.

But we didn't have the time. As it was, we finished late in the afternoon and everyone was tired ( but happy! ). Yes, it was a great family outing we had at the Gambang Waterworld ( waterworld again! ) with Syikin and Ayah Andak & family, and Ayah Teh and Enda, and Tok and Mak Syah and Pak Su and Aqil, and Mama & Abah of course with all the brothers!
And since water seemed to be the theme for the holidays, I wonder whether I'd get to go to Sunway Lagoon. I know that Abg Anwar and Abg Imran will be going to Bukit Merah soon, which me and Abg Luqman won't be going unfortunately. Or at least we could go to Lost World. How about it Abah? Or Kak Intan and Aunty Long? *bats eyelashes*
we all love you abang luqman,no matter what.
waterworld month next week!!
bukit merah
sunway lagoon..
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