A visit to the doctor.
Mama brought me to the doctor last week. I had been coughing away and I knew Mama was worried that there might be something wrong with my heart valve. And also, I had been breathing rather fast and Mama had been scrutinizing the movements of my chest periodically. No much of a fever though so H1N1 wasn't likely. But still.
My appointment was with Dr Liew but unfortunately he was away on an emergency case so there went my heart review. I was seen by Dr Adeline instead and she was so nice! I was, as always, very shy, couldn't look at her in the face and I gripped mama's hand tightly. Dr Adeline said that I was like a magnet! But I did everything the doctor told me to do ( haha I had enough practice at home ) - opened my mouth wide for her to look at my throat, breathed in and out. She said I was wheezing and chesty and she put me on nebulizer stat. Gave me lots of medicines to take and she told mama that she ( my mama I mean, not the doctor ) might have to add honey to some of them. Hah, little did she know, I'm a pro at taking my meds!
Anyway, I felt better after the neb and I was all over the place when we got home, I felt great! My chest is no longer tight and I can now continue tormenting abang Luqman to my heart's content ( I bit him the other day on the chest, I didn't mean to but he was being so annoying I couldn't help myself. Mama was angry though. Ooops. )
That's me being given the "gas" at the clinic. Served me right. I used to laugh when abang Luqman had to take his gas.

On the way back I got to sit on abang Luqman's seat instead of my own baby seat. I felt like a big boy that day! Yep, I think mama will soon have to change my seat to a big boy seat. And yes, I love Spongebob heheh.

Labels: clinic