It's Daniel, not Danielle. Sheesh.
My Mum loves my curls. Or baby curls to be exact. She thinks that the curls would be gone once I have my haircut. Which is why I have yet to have my first haircut. Not that there is much hair to begin with but the curls, or ringlets like Mum loves to call them, do make it appears like I have a lot. And she's adamant not to have them sheared off until it's absolutely necessary.
None of my three brothers have curly hair, you see. I don't really mind. But it does mean that Kak Arti is having a lot of fun accesorising my hair.
The uchukedemi ( or pokok kelapa ).

The double uchukedemis.

Hmm, Ende says the men in Bali wear flowers in their hair. Note the "ringlets".

All that's missing is the Muqaddam.

eeeeee!! I do so HEART those ringlets. :D
You're so adorable in that headcover too omg, hehe. And look at how big you are now, awwww. *cuddles and coos*
Hi Aunt Norah
The aunts and uncles here screamed with laughter when they saw pics of me wearing the headcover.
Mum says I look like a religious teacher. Hah, I'll ask her not to read so much slash then ;P
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