a babe's life

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

a babe's life

It's official.

I am Akmal Daniel. Abah registered me yesterday. Got a birth certificate but not MyKid yet. That will come later. Ha, I'll be having my own MyKid, something that my brothers don't have. Well, abang Anwar has his MyKad already but that doesn't really count. I'm the first to have MyKid!

My family still couldn't quite decide what to call me. Sometime they call me Akmal, sometime it's Daniel. I dont really mind. The other day Kak Arti called me Dani. Uh-huh, not Dewa's Dhani ( sp? ) please.

And Mak keeps calling me Luqman. O-kaay ...

Slept well last night. Only woke Mak up about 3 times last night. The other night it was every half-hourly until 3.30 am. Poor Mak but then it's hard to tell night from day. I sleep most of the time during the daytime though.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Hi there,

Assalamualaikum. My name is Akmal Daniel and I'm 8 days old. At least, that's what I think my name would be unless Abah or Mak change their mind. They havent registered me yet, you see.

Abah, you have 6 more days left to do it.

Kesian Abah. He has been very busy of late. Me coming to this world 2 weeks early, Mak with her pregnancy-induced hypertension, his meetings and machine rosak.


Anyway, Abah has asked Mak to create this blog for me.

Wan and Tok have gone back home to Pahang today. Mak needs to go see the doctors this afternoon to check her Caesarian wound and review her BP. They have to bring me, though. I breastfeed. Dont know whether they'll bring abang Luqman as well. Probably not. Give him the computer and he'll be at the Miniclip games for hours - that's my abang Luqman. He ignores me most of the time, or should I say all the time. But that's alright. I'll win him over in no time at all once I start coo-ing and gurgling.

I hope.

Anyway, here's my full biodata.

Name : Akmal Daniel bin Mohd Kamal ( unless Mak changes it to Elijah or something haha )

Sex : Male ( I know Mak wanted a girl, I can feel her thinking about it when I was inside her. But I also know that she's so thankful that I was born healthy that she really doesn't mind that I'm not a girl. Yes Mak, I love you too )

DOB : 12th February 2006 ( born 2 weeks earlier via LSCS, more of that in my next post )

Birth weight : 2.48kg ( yeah, yeah I'm borderline IUGR )

Time : 1.10pm ( or thereabouts )

Place of birth : Ipoh Specialist Hospital

Attending Doctor : Dr Adlan

I sleep most of the time, in between breastfeedings.

It's a good life.